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Business Management Tips for Tax Time

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AgCompass as Compared to Local PC, Internal Server, and SaaS Web Applications.

We encourage you to compare AgCompass to other IT solutions available to determine the best fit for your business. If you have additional questions, we’d be happy to discuss what sets us apart.

Technology Options Local PC AgCompass Internal Server SaaS Web Applications
Data Security Secure as Your Back Up Protocol Secure and Independent Secure as Your Back Up Protocol Secure as Your Provider, Data is Not Independent
Back Ups Your Responsibility Automatic Daily Back Ups Your Responsibility According to Provider’s Policy
Software Updates Your Responsibility We Manage Them Your Responsibility According to Provider’s Policy
Accessibility Single Point of Access to Your Data and Software Access from Anywhere Access from Anywhere, Requires Technical Knowledge to Set Up Access from Anywhere, Must Login to Each Application Separately
Vulnerability Vulnerable to Hardware Failure Not Vulnerable to Hardware Failure Vulnerable to Hardware Failure Not Vulnerable to Hardware Failure
Collaboration Inefficient to Share Data via Email and PDF Reports Collaborate Easily and Securely Collaborate Securely, Expensive to Maintain Dependent Upon Provider’s Capabilities
Technical Support Not Always Available, Can Be Costly Free Not Always Available, Can Be Costly Depends on Your Provider
Scalability Non-Scalable Scalable Scalable, at Additional Cost Scalable, Depending on Individual Providers
Software Flexibility Install Multiple Pieces of Software Host Multiple Pieces of Software Install Multiple Pieces of Software Limited to What is Provided
Ongoing Costs Replace Hardware as Needed Small Subscription Costs Large Upfront and Maintenance Costs Variable Subscription Costs

What our customers say

I don’t have to worry about going on vacation. It is worth a lot knowing I can keep tabs on the company away from home. AgCompass is a great company to work with. They’ve been right there when I’ve needed them. I’d recommend them.

Cheryl Walsh, Cowser Field & Feedlot,
Customer Since 2008

Especially around tax time, but also year round, the ease of support and more efficient process brings true value to our businesses. The Latta Haris and AgCompass relationship has been good for our clients.

John McNutt, Latta Harris,
Customer Since 2006

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