
News Releases & In the News

Combining Agriculture and Information Technology Is a Promising Career Path


08/28/2017 — AgTech is increasingly being used to help solve complex problems in agriculture to meet the needs of our modern, high-tech food system. To keep up with these challenges, companies seek employees with backgrounds in agriculture and information technology. And, with a high demand, plenty of career opportunities exist for farm kids with an interest in technology, or computer geeks with an interest in agriculture. Read More…

Shared Virtual Desktops Make Tax Preparation Easier

AgCompass Provides Secure Accessibility to Agribusinesses & CPA Firms

01/31/2017 — Especially during tax time, a virtual desktop can make secure collaboration for sharing files, data, and scanned documents easier. With a virtual desktop and accounting software hosted by AgCompass, individuals and their tax preparers can upload and access data crucial for preparing returns from anywhere and from multiple devices. Read More…

AgCompass Helps You Navigate Your Software

by Cindy Zimmerman, on

12/12/2016 — The technology has been around for years now but there is still some confusion when it comes to cloud computing or hosted software solutions and who can benefit from it most.

Ken Wedig, who was retired from John Deere after 30 years, partnered with Everett Chambers in 2003 to create AgCompass, one of the pioneers in the technology which supports businesses by hosting their software on a remote server so they can access their data from multiple locations. Read More…

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Ride out Low Commodity Prices by Improving Farm Efficiency

AgCompass Aids Collaboration on Critical Business Decisions

11/14/2016 –With commodity prices falling, already tight operating margins may become even tighter, increasing the need for farm partners to keep an eye on their operating expenses. One solution that many producers have turned to is remote hosting of their software so that all the farm partners can be on the same page when making critical business decisions. AgCompass provides reliable U.S.-based software hosting to producers and CPA firms. Read More…

AgCompass Aids Growers in Riding Out Low Prices

by Kelly Marshall, on

11/7/2016 — In times of tight margins, solutions for operating expenses become even more vital. One such solutions is to remote host software that allow all farm partners to be on the same page for crucial decision making– a solution that can be accomplished with AgCompass.

“With AgCompass, farm managers and consultants can look at farm data together in real time, securely from anywhere, allowing them to make informed and timely decisions that have a positive impact on the bottom line” said Nick Chambers, AgCompass business development manager. “AgCompass has been hosting software for agribusiness and CPA firms since 2003. Our solution provides the flexibility and collaboration that improves a farm’s efficiency, while producers maintain control and data independence.” Read More…

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The IT staff at AgCompass share a background in agriculture and they provide unlimited, U.S.-based support to clients. The advantage of hosting your software with AgCompass is that they provide all of the software updates, conduct daily backups, and your data is stored in a world-class data center making it less vulnerable to hardware failure. AgCompass can host any windows-based software including QuickBooks, FBS, RedWing, Microsoft products, and many more. To schedule a free consultation and demonstration, call 844-4-AGCLOUD.

Media Contact

Nick Chambers, Business Development Manager
(844) 424-2568

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